Innovate Her
Women’s Global Summit for Emerging Technologies
Obiettivi e temi dell'evento
InnovateHer è un evento internazionale in lingua inglese dedicato all’empowerment femminile nel settore dell’innovazione e delle tecnologie emergenti.
Il summit, organizzato dal CREA dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari in collaborazione con la global platform Prospera Women, nell’ambito del progetto Cagliari DLAB, permetterà di incontrare investors e leader aziendali provenienti da tutto il mondo, con l’obiettivo di sostenere imprese e startup guidate da donne affinché possano svilupparsi e rafforzarsi, ampliando la rete di contatti per facilitare la loro crescita internazionale.
Interventi di esperte di livello mondiale e case studies su progetti di successo, workshop, formazione d’eccellenza con Keynote Speaker internazionali nel campo delle tecnologie emergenti e dell’open innovation, focus sull’innovazione tecnologica e networking: due giorni ad alto impatto nel percorso di valorizzazione delle donne nel settore tecnologico.
I posti sono limitati e le iscrizioni terminano il 22 ottobre.
The aim of the InnovateHer: Women’s Empowerment Global Summit For Emerging Technologies is to empower 350 women entrepreneurs and women business leaders from all over the world to navigate the unique challenges they face conducting business globally. Through inspiring keynotes, targeted workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities, our summit is designed to catalyze growth and innovation for women in business. The summit will take place at the University of Cagliari - Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CREA UniCa). You will have the opportunity to meet with investors and corporate leaders from Silicon Valley who are dedicated to helping women-led businesses thrive and scale globally. Engage with global leaders who champion women-led startups all while expanding your network of contacts to facilitate your startup’s international growth.
The Women’s Executive Global Leadership Program is being offered as part of the InnovateHer Summit, promising an unparalleled opportunity for women leaders to engage with world- class faculty from Stanford, Harvard, and UC Berkeley, as well as other business leaders from Silicon Valley. This series of workshops delves into critical and contemporary topics such as Leading Open Innovation, Digital Transformation Leadership, Unlocking Potential & Fostering Innovation, Navigating the Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence, and Conscious Leadership: Women on Corporate Boards. Designed to empower and elevate women in leadership roles, these workshops provide a collaborative environment for developing strategic vision, enhancing influence, and fostering groundbreaking ideas. Tuition is required.
The registrations end on October 22nd.
Registration e Networking
Aula Magna - Official Greetings
Welcome Address
- Francesco Mola, Rector | University of Cagliari
- Maria Chiara Di Guardo, Chief Operating Officer | CREA - Unica at University of Cagliari
- Alfredo Coppola, Co-founder | Prospera Women
Keynote Speaker | Amy Peck
Women in Emerging Technologies
Keynote Speaker | Isabelle Andrieu
Co-founder Translated | CEO, Pi School
Gammadonna top 5
Panel discussion with Leaders from Asia, Europa, America.
United Innovations:Harnessing the Power of Diverse Cultures in Entrepreneurship, Emerging Technologies and Sustainability
Lunch & Networking
Startup Track – Aula Magna
- Zofia Kierner, Mission-driven Leadership for Young Entrepreneurs
- Amy Peck, The Changing Role of the Female Entrepreneur
- Jacqueline Ruedin Rüsch, Pitching to Global Investors
Executive Track – Aula ST
- POC Canvas: Maria Chiara Di Guardo, Maryia Zaitsava, Elona Marku, A Groundbreaking Tool for Transforming Concepts into Real-World Solutions
- Ari Qayum, Digital Transformation Leadership
- Shirin Etessam, Unlocking Potential & Fostering Innovation
- Leah Edwards, Successfully Leading Complex Innovation Projects
Bonus Track – Aula AB – Sponsored by Invitalia e Netval
- Darya Majidi
AI & Women Entrepreneurs: Future Trends and the Evolution of Female Entrepreneurship”
- Roundtable
Female entrepreneurship and emerging technologies
Aula Magna
- Louann Conner
Corporate Governance for Early Stage Startups - Creating New Opportunities
Keynote Speaker | Maria Pace
Embracing Life with Purpose and Passion
Fireside Chat with Amy Peck
Gen Z will make up 30% of the workforce by 2030. But they make up 100% of the future.
How to future-proof your Business in 2024.
Moderated by Zofia Kierner.
Roundtable discussions
Women policymakers from USA, Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East in a roundtable discussion on sharing best practices for global entrepreneurship, governance and innovative solutions.
Lunch & Networking
Startup Track – Aula Magna
- Leah Edwards, Adopting a Global Growth Mindset
- Stephanie Hurst, Legal Essentials for setting up your corporation on a global scale
- Jacqueline Ruedin Rüsch, Pitching to Global Investors
- Tenzin Seldon, Pitching to Investors for Success
Executive Track – Aula ST
- Leah Edwards, Business Operations Excellence
- Amy Peck, Navigating the Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence
- Susan Allen, Constructive Conflict Engagement
Investor Panel – Aula Magna
Ari Qayumi | Paolo Privitera | Leah Edwards | Jacqueline Rusch
Q&A from an audience of startups
Executive Panel – Aula ST
Amy Peck | Maria Pace | Shirin Etessman | Louann Conner | Shannon Bindler
Q&A from an audience of women executives
Campus Garden
Closing Reception | All in attendance
Per partecipare clicca qui (to participate click here) link
Altre informazioni
Il convegno si svolge in lingua inglese ed è rivolto a imprenditrici, professioniste, leader aziendali e startupper provenienti da tutto il mondo.
Le persone coinvolte dalle tematiche dell'evento e interessate ai temi trattati durante l'evento potranno partecipare fino a esaurimento posti.
The conference will be held in English and is primarily aimed at entrepreneurs, professionals, business executives, and startup founders from around the world.
Those involved and interested in the main topics of the event will be able to participate until all available spots are filled.